UMBERED stained, dark, as with umber
UNANELED without extreme unction
UNAVOIDED unavoidable
UNBARBED untrimmed
UNBATED unblunted
UNBOLT to disclose
UNBOLTED unsifted, unrefined
UNBREATHED unpractised
UNCAPE to throw off the hounds
UNCHARGED undefended, applied to the gates of a city
UNCLEW to unravel, undo
UNCOINED unalloyed, unfeigned
UNDERGO to undertake
UNDERTAKER one who takes up another's quarrel
UNDER-WROUGHT undermined
UNEATH hardly
UNEXPRESSIVE inexpressible
UNFAIR to deprive of beauty
UNHAPPILY censoriously
UNHAPPY mischievous
UNHATCHED undisclosed
UNHOUSELED without receiving the sacrament
UNIMPROVED unreproved
UNION a pearl
UNJUST dishonest
UNKIND unnatural
UNLIVED bereft of life
UNMANNED untamed, applied to a hawk
UNOWED unowned
UNPROPER common to all
UNQUESTIONABLE not inquisitive
UNREADY undressed
UNRESPECTIVE inconsiderate
UNSISTING unresting
UNSTANCHED incontinent
UNTEMPERING unsoftening
UNTENTED unsearchable
UNTRADED unused, uncommon
UNTRIMMED spoiled of grace or ornament
UNTRUE untruth
UNVALUED invaluable
UPSPRING REEL a boisterous dance
URCHIN the hedge-hog
USANCE usury
USE interest
UTIS riotous merriment, which accompanied the eighth day of a festival
UTTER to expel, put forth
UTTERANCE extremity