TABLE a tablet, note-book
TABLE-BOOK note-book
TABLES the game of backgammon A note-book
TABOUR a small side-drum
TABOURER a player on the tabour
TABOURINE tambourine, drum
TAG the rabble
TAINT tainted
TAINTURE defilement
TAKE to infect, blast, bewitch
TAKE IN to conquer
TAKE OUT to copy
TAKE UP to borrow money, or buy on credit To make up a quarrel
TAKING infection, malignant influence
TAKING UP buying on credit
TALE counting, reckoning
TALL strong, valiant
TALLOW-CATCH a lump of tallow
TANG twang, sound
TANG to sound
TANLING anything tanned by the sun
TARRE to excite, urge on
TARTAR Tartarus
TASK to tax Challenge
TASKING challenging
TASTE to try
TAWDRY-LACE a rustic necklace
TAXATION satire, sarcasm
TAXING satire
TEEN grief
TELL to count
TEMPER to mix
TEMPERANCE temperature
TEND to attend to
TENDER to hold, to esteem To have consideration for
TENT to probe as a wound
TENT a probe for searching a wound
TERCEL the male of the goshawk
TERMAGANT a ranting character in old plays
TESTED pure, assayed
TESTERN to reward with a tester, or six-pence
THARBOROUGH a constable
THEWES sinews, muscles
THICK rapidly
THICK-PLEACHED thickly intertwined
THIRD-BOROUGH a constable
THOUGHT anxiety, grief So 'to take thought' is to give way to grief
THREE-MAN BEETLE a wooden mallet worked by three men
THREE-MAN-SONG-MEN singers of glees in three parts
THREE-PILE three-piled velvet
THRENE lament
THRID thread, fibre
THROE to put in agonies
THRUM the tufted end of a thread in weaving
THRUMMED made od coarse ends or tufts
TICKLE ticklish
TIGHT nimble, active
TIGHTLY briskly, promptly
TIKE a cur
TILLY-VALLY int. an exclamation of contempt
TILTH tillage
TIMELESS untimely
TINCT stain, dye
TIRE attire, head-dress
TIRE to tear as a bird of prey Hence, metaphorically, to feed
TIRE to attire, dress
TANG twang, sound
TOD to yield a tod of wool
TOKENED marked with plague spots
TOKENS plague spots
TOLL to exact toll To pay toll
TOO TOO excessively
TOPLESS supreme, without superior
TOUCH touchstone for testing gold Trait An acute feeling
TOUCHED pricked
TOUSE to pull, drag
TOWARD nearly ready
TOWARDS nearly ready
TOYS trifles, foolish tricks
TRADE beaten path
TRANECT a ferry
TRANSLATED transformed
TRASH to cheque, as a huntsman his hounds
TRAVAIL labour, toil
TRAY-TRIP an old game played with dice
TREACHERS traitors
TREATIES entreaties
TRICK technically, a copy of a coat of arms; hence, any peculiarity which distinguishes voice or feature
TRICK to dress up
TRICKED blazoned
TRICKING ornament
TRICKSY elegantly quaint
TRIPLE third
TROJAN a cant word for a thief
TROL-MY-DAMES the name of a game; also called pigeon-holes
TROTH-PLIGHT betrothed
TROW to trust, think
TRUE honest
TRUNDLE-TAIL a long-tailed dog
TUCKET-SONANCE a flourish on the trumpet
TUNDISH a funnel
TURLYGOOD a name adopted by bedlam-beggars
TURN to modulate
TWANGLING twanging
TWIGGEN made of twigs, wicker
TWILLED Retained by woven branches
TWINK a twinkling
TWIRE to peep, twinkle