Glossary - Q

QUAIL to faint, be languid, be afraid to cause to quail

QUAINT curiously beautiful

QUAKE to cause to quake or tremble

QUALIFY to moderate

QUALITY those of the same nature Rank or condition

QUARREL a suit, cause

QUARRY game, a heap of game

QUART D'ECU a quarter crown

QUARTER the post allotted to a soldier

QUAT a pimple; used in contempt of a person

QUEASY squeamish, unsettled

QUELL murder

QUENCH to grow cool

QUERN a hand-mill

QUEST enquiry, search, inquest, jury

QUESTRIST one who goes in search of another

QUICK so far gone in pregnancy that the child is alive

QUICKEN to come to life

QUIDDIT | a subtle question


QUILLET quidebet, a subtle case in law

QUINTAIN a post for tilting at

QUIP sharp jest, a taunt

QUIRE to sing in concert

QUIT to requite, respond

QUIT past tense of the verb to quit, quitted

QUITANCE requital

QUIVER active

QUOTE to note