MADE having his fortune made
MAGNIFICO the chief magistrate at Venice
MAGOT-PIE a magpie, a pie which feeds on magots
MAIL covered as with a coat of mail
MAIN-COURSE a sea-term
MAKE to do up, bar To do
MALKIN a familiar name for Mary; hence a servant wench
MALLECHO mischief
MAMMERING hesitating
MAMMETS a woman's breasts A doll
MAMMOCK to break, tear
MAN to tame a hawk
MANAGE management
MANDRAGORA or Mandrake a plant of soporiferous quality, supposed to resemble a man
MANKIND having a masculine nature
MARCHES frontiers, borders
MARCHPANE a kind of sweet biscuit
MARGENT margin
MARRY TRAP an oath
MARTLEMAS the Feast of St. Martin, which occurs on the 11th of Nov. when the fine weather generally ends; hence applied to an old man
MATCH an appointment
MATE to confound, dismay
MEACOCK tame, cowardly
MEALED mingled
MEAN instrument used to promote an end
MEAN the tenor part in a harmony
MEAN opportunity, power
MEASURE reach A stately dance
MEAZEL a leper, spoken in contempt of a mean person
MEDAL a portrait in a locket
MEDICINE a physician
MEED reward, hire Merit
MEHERCLE by Hercules
MEINY retinue
MELL to mix, to meddle
MEMORISE to cause to be remembered
MEPHISTOPHILUS the name of a familiar spirit
MERCATANTE a foreign trader
MERELY simply, absolutely
MESS a company of four
METAPHYSICAL supernatural
METE-YARD measuring-wand
MEW UP to confine
MICHER a truant
MILL-SIXPENCE a milled sixpence
MINCE to do any thing affectedly
MINCING affected
MISCREATE illegitimate
MISDOUBT to suspect
MISERY avarice
MISPRISE to despise To mistake
MISSIVE messenger
MISTHINK to think ill of
MISTRESS the jack in bowling
MOBLED muffled
MODERN commonplace
MODULE a model, image
MOE and more. Of frequent occurrence
MOIETY a portion
MOME a stupid person
MOMENTANY momentary
MONTHS-MIND a monthly commemoration of the dead, but used ludicrously to mean a great mind or strong desire
MOOD anger
MOON-CALF a nick-name applied to Caliban
MOONISH inconstant
MOP nod
MORRIS-PIKE Moorish-pike
MORT death, applied to animals of the chase
MORT-DU-VINAIGRE a ridiculous oath
MORTAL fatal, deadly Murderous
MOSE a doubtful word, applied to some disease in a horse
MOTION solicitation Emotion
MOTION a puppet
MOTIVE one who moves That which moves
MOTLEY or the many-coloured coat of a fool, or a fool
MOUSE-HUNT a weasel
MOW to make grimaces
MOY a coin, probably a moidore
MUCH int. significant of contempt
MUCH used ironically
MURE a wall
MUST a scramble
MUTINE to mutiny
MUTINE a mutineer