Glossary - G

GABERDINE a loose outer coat, or smock frock

GAD a pointed instrument, a goad Upon the gad, with impetuous haste, upon the spur of the moment

GAIN-GIVING misgiving

GAIT going, steps

GALLIARD a kind of dance

GALLIASSE a kind of ship

GALLIMAUFRY a ridiculous medley

GALLOW to scare

GALLOWGLASS the irregular infantry of Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland

GAMESTER a frolicsome person A loose woman

GARBOIL disorder, uproar

GARISH gaudy, staring

GARNER to lay by, as corn in a barn

GAST frightened

GAUDY festive

GAZE an object of wonder

GEAR matter of business of any kind

GECK a fool

GENERAL the generality, common people


GENEROSITY noble birth


GENTILITY good manners

GENTLE gentlefolk

GENTLE noble

GENTLE to ennoble

GENTRY complaisance, conduct becoming gentlefolk

GERMAN akin Appropriate

GERMEN seed, embryo

GEST period

GIB a he-cat

GIFTS talents, endowment

GIGLOT a wanton girl

GILDER a coin of the value of 1s. 6d. or 2s

GILT money State of wealth

GIMMAL double

GIMMOR contrivance

GING gang

GIRD to gibe

GIRD a sarcasm or gibe

GLEEK to scoff

GLEEK a scoff

GLOSE to comment; hence, to be garrulous

GLUT to swallow

GNARL to snarl

GOOD-DEED indeed

GOOD-DEN good-evening, contracted from 'Good-even.'

GOOD-YEAR a corruption of the French goujere; the venereal disease

GOOD-JER a corruption of the French goujere; the venereal disease

GORBELLIED corpulent

GOURD a species of game of chance

GOUT a drop

GOVERNMENT discretion

GRACIOUS abounding in grace Divine

GRAINED engrained

GRAMERCY int. grand mercy, much thanks

GRANGE the farmstead attached to a monastery, a solitary farm-house

GRATILLITY used ridiculously for 'gratuity.'

GRATULATE to congratulate

GRAVE to bury

GREASILY grossly

GREEK a bawd

GREEN immature, fresh, unused

GREENLY foolishly

GREET to weep

GRIZE a step

GROSSLY palpably

GROUNDLING one who sits in the pit of a theatre

GROWING accruing

GUARD decoration

GUARD to decorate

GUARDAGE guardianship

GUINEA-HEN the pintado, a cant term

GULES red, a term in heraldry

GULF the throat

GUN-STONE a cannon ball

GUST taste, relish

GYVE to fetter