EAGER sour Harsh Biting
EANLING a yeanling, a lamb
EAR to plough
ECHE to eke out
EFT ready, convenient
EISEL vinegar
ELD old age
EMBOSSED swollen into protuberances Covered with foam
EMBOWELLED disembowelled, emptied
EMINENCE exalted station
EMPERY empire
EMULATION jealousy, mutiny
EMULOUS jealous
ENCAVE to place oneself in a cave
END 'Still an end,' continually for ever
ENFEOFF to place in possession in fee simple
ENGINE a machine of war
ENGLUT to swallow speedily
ENGROSS to make gross or fat
ENGROSSMENT immoderate acquisition
ENKINDLE to make keen
ENMEW to shut up, as a hawk is shut up in a mew
ENSCONCE to cover as with a fort
ENSEAMED fat, rank
ENTERTAIN encounter Experience
ENTERTAINMENT treatment A disposition to entertain a proposal Service
EPHESIAN a toper, a cant term
EQUIPAGE attendance
EREWHILE a short time since
ESCOT to pay a man's reckoning, to maintain
ESPERANCE hope, used as a war-cry
ESPIAL a scout or spy
ESTIMATION conjecture
ESTRIDGE ostridge
ETERNE eternal
EVEN coequal
EVEN to equal
EXAMINE to question
EXCREMENT that which grows outwardly from the body and has no sensation like the hair or nails Any outward show
EXECUTOR an executioner
EXEMPT excluded
EXERCISE a religious service
EXHALE to hale or draw out to draw the sword
EXHIBITION allowance, pension
EXIGENT death, ending
EXION ridiculously used for 'action.'
EXPECT expectation
EXPEDIENCE expedition, undertaking Haste
EXPEDIENT expeditious, swift
EXPIATE completed
EXPOSTULATE to expound, discuss
EXPOSTURE exposure
EXPRESS to reveal
EXPULSE to expel
EXSUFFICATE that which has been hissed off, contemptible
EXTEND to seize
EXTENT a seizure
EXTERN outward
EXTIRP to extirpate
EXTRACTING distracting
EXTRAUGHT part. extracted, descended
EXTRAVAGANT foreign, wandering
EXTREMES extravagance of conduct Extremities
EYAS a nestling hawk
EYAS-MUSKET a nestling of the musket or merlin, the smallest species of British hawk
EYE a glance, oeillad
EYE a shade of colour, as in shot silk
EYNE eyes