Michael Piepers homepage
BeOS Programs
PSION Link Protocol description
RFSV Protocol description


Description of command

The command SFSTAT sets or resets various status information to a file. The file don't have to be opened!

It is to be noted that; all values, which are more greater than 8 bits in reverse order will transfer. The LOW byte sent as the first over the line and only then follows the HIGH byte!

Transmission direction (command) in the interface format

The commands always the same format has SFSTAT. It is as a consequence built into the PLP:

16 10 02 32 03 02 01 Command
18 00
17 00
Status info.
21 00
20 00
absolute file name
10 03 12 34

Receipt direction (result) in the interface format

A valid response takes place with the command RESPONSE and returns the delivery an error code.

16 10 02 33 02 03 01 Command
2a 00
02 00
00 00
10 03 12 34
boldValues represent fixed of values, which are used accurately in such a way!
italicValues represent examples, which have a different meaning on the basis the instruction.

Description of command

The command SFSTAT consists of 5 information units. These have the following meanings:

Length in byte possible values Meaning
Command 2 byte 00 18 (fixed) The command identifier has always the same value!
Size 2 byte variable Since the file name with is transmitted, the value of the length of the file name, needed here, depends! The final 0-Bytes with the file name is to be likewise considered!
Status info. 2 byte variable The various Statics says outer whether the values will have to be deleted set, or. If the bit is set, the appropriate value is to be set to delete otherwise.
FAWRITE 00 01File may be only read
FAHIDDEN 00 02File is hidden
terminated 00 04File is a system file
terminated/TD> 00 20File was modified
Bit mask 2 byte variable The bit mask determines, whether the appropriate bit in the field status info. is to be considered at all, or not. If the bit is here set to zero, the value on the old status remains!
FAWRITE 00 01File may be only read
FAHIDDEN 00 02File is hidden
FASYSTEM 00 04File is a system file
FAMOD 00 20File was modified
File name 1 byte or more 0-terminated string The file name is to be transmitted, with which the values are to be modified.

Description of result

The command SFSTAT is answered with RESPONSE. This returns the delivery an error code as result. If 00 00 is returned the delivery, then no error occurred.

Length in byte possible values Meaning
Command 2 byte 00 2a (fixed) The command identifier has always the same value!
Size 2 byte 00 02 (fixed) Always 2 additional byte are supplied!
Result 2 byte variable The result can obtain the following values:
NO_ERROR 00 00No error occurred
You can look at all defined errorvalues.

Michael Piepers homepage
BeOS Programs
PSION Link Protocol description
RFSV Protocol description

Last modification Jan 31 1999 by Michael Pieper