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BeOS Programs
PSION Link Protocol description
RFSV Protocol description

RFSV command PARSE

Description of command

This command checks the transferred file designations whether from it a correct file name designation is to be generated. The file designations are transferred into three equal parameter.

Each file name divided into 5 items. File system, DEVICE name, path name, file name and Extension. If one of the 5 items is missing in the first file name, this is taken over from the second file name. If it is missing there likewise, then still the third file name is examined. If the item is contained in none of the three file designations, it is filled up by a default value.

So if a complete file name developed, then, each section of the designation is calculated is as long and whether the file name or the Extension Wild cards contains (comparisons also PARSE$ in the OPL manual)

Transmission direction (command) in the interface format

The instruction PARSE is as a consequence built into the PLP:

16 10 02 32 03 02 01 Command
1a 00
11 00
Name 1
Name 2
Name 3
10 03 12 34

Receipt direction (result) in the interface format

A valid response takes place with the command RESPONSE and returns the delivery an error code.

Since the response is so long that; it would not fit here no more on a display, I it into two sections divided. Actual is it howeverone Message!

Header PLP RFSV RESPONSE part 1 ...
16 10 02 33 02 03 01 Command
2a 00
02 00
00 00
Length specifications ...

... RFSV RESPONSE part 2 Footer CRC
Absolute file name
10 03 12 34

boldValues represent fixed of values, which are used accurately in such a way!
italicValues represent examples, which have a different meaning on the basis the instruction.

Description of command

The command PARSE consists of 5 information units. These have the following meanings:

Length in byte possible values Meaning
Command 2 byte 00 1a (fixed) The command identifier has always the same value!
Size 2 byte variable Since altogether three stringers with in each case 3 zero-bytes are dispatched, those must be always taken in account 0-Bytes!
Name 1 at least 1 byte 0-terminated string The first file name is to be transferred, which can contain either all 5 items, or only one subset of it!
Name 2 at least 1 byte 0-terminated string The second file name is to be transferred, which can contain either all 5 items, or only one subset of it!
Name 3 at least 1 byte 0-terminated string The third file name is to be transferred, which can contain either all 5 items, or only one subset of it!

Description of result

The command PARSE is answered with RESPONSE. This returns the delivery an error code as result. Furthermore a complete file name with all 5 items, as well as the information, how long each item is. In flags then one marks still, which Wild cards is contained in the specification.

Length in byte possible values Meaning
Command 2 byte 00 2a (fixed) The command identifier has always the same value!
Size 2 byte variable The length depends on the returned the delivery file name.
Result 2 byte variable The result can obtain the following values:
NO_ERROR 00 00No error occurred
You can look at all defined errorvalues.
File system length 1 byte 05 (fixed) As file system only two values are applicable. "REM::" marks the remote file system and "LOC::" restaurants the file system. Since however the inquiry always is in connection with the Remote computer, know I only the specification "REM::".
DEVICE length 1 byte variable As DEVICE the drive letter is meant under DOS/WINDOWS, or the DEVICE name. In the implementation for the BeOS the length of the Device names is transmitted.
Path length 1 byte variable The length of the path is to be indicated.
File name length 1 byte variable The length of the file name is to be transferred without the Extension.
Extension length 1 byte variable The length of the Extension calculates itself inclusive of the separating point.
Flag 1 byte variable In this information unit it is encoded whether and where wildcards were used. The following values are here possible for additive:
PWILD_ANY 01Contains one or more wildcards
PWILD_NAME 02The file name contains one or more wildcards
PWILD_EXT 04The Extension contains one or more wildcards
Absolute file name at least 1 byte 0-terminated string It will transfer the arranged absolute file name with, to which the above specification refers. This name was assembled from the 3 name stringers and contains possibly also input from a standard path!

Michael Piepers homepage
BeOS Programs
PSION Link Protocol description
RFSV Protocol description

Last modification Jan 31 1999 by Michael Pieper