Homepage von Michael Pieper
BeOS Programme
PSION Link Protokollbeschreibung
RFSV Protokollbeschreibung

RFSV-Protokoll Fehlermeldungen

Fehler dez. hex Beschreibung
E_FILE_EXIST -32 ff e0 File already exists
E_FILE_NXIST -33 ff df File does not exist
E_FILE_WRITE -34 ff de Write to file failed
E_FILE_READ -35 ff dd Read from file failed
E_FILE_EOF -36 ff dc Read past end of file
E_FILE_FULL -37 ff db Disk/serial read buffer full
E_FILE_NAME -38 ff da Invalid file name
E_FILE_ACCESS -39 ff d9 Access denied
E_FILE_LOCKED -40 ff d8 Record or file locked
E_FILE_DEVICE -41 ff d7 Device does not exist
E_FILE_DIR -42 ff d6 Directory does not exist
E_FILE_RECORD -43 ff d5 Record too large
E_FILE_RDONLY -44 ff d4 File has read only access
E_FILE_INV -45 ff d3 Invalid I/O operation
E_FILE_PENDING -46 ff d2 I/O pending (not yet completed)
E_FILE_VOLUME -47 ff d1 Invalid volume
E_FILE_CANCEL -48 ff d0 Async operation was cancelled
E_FILE_ALLOC -10 ff f6 No memory for control block E_GEN_NOMEMORY
E_FILE_DISC -50 ff ce link is disconnected
E_FILE_CONNECT-51 ff cd link already connected
E_FILE_RETRAN -52 ff cc Retransmission threshold exceeded
E_FILE_LINE -53 ff cb Physical link failure
E_FILE_INACT -54 ff ca Inactivity timer expired
E_FILE_PARITY -55 ff c9 Serial parity error
E_FILE_FRAME -56 ff c8 Serial framing error
E_FILE_OVERRUN-57 ff c7 Serial overrun error
E_MDM_CONFAIL -58 ff c6 modem can't connect to remote modem
E_MDM_BUSY -59 ff c5 remote number busy
E_MDM_NOANS -60 ff c4 there was no answer
E_MDM_BLACKLIST-61 ff c3 number blacklisted by the modem
E_FILE_NOTREADY-62 ff c2 Drive not ready error
E_FILE_UNKNOWN-63 ff c1 Unknown media in drive
E_FILE_DIRFULL -64 ff c0 Root dir full error
E_FILE_PROTECT-65 ff bf Device write protect
E_FILE_CORRUPT-66 ff be Media is corrupt
E_FILE_ABORT -67 ff bd User aborted operation error
E_FILE_ERASE -68 ff bc Failed to Erase Flash pack
E_FILE_INVALID -69 ff bb Invalid file for DBF system

Homepage von Michael Pieper
BeOS Programme
PSION Link Protokollbeschreibung
RFSV Protokollbeschreibung

Letzte Änderung 31.01.1999 von Michael Pieper